The Sustainability Muse
Ask Rey
Introducing the ‘Ask Rey’ panel
We are thrilled to announce the launch of Ask Rey, Sterling’s panel of 50 consumers committed to sustainability, who are ready to answer your questions to help your brand think, design, and act for a more sustainable future.
We at Sterling spent the past year really getting to know Rey, our Sustainability Muse. Using what we’ve learned about Rey’s lifestyle, behaviors, and attitudes, we created a consumer panel of 50 hand-picked individuals, who embody who Rey is: consumers who always go the extra mile in their daily lives to choose more sustainable options, whether that’s in food, energy, transportation, water, or the products and services they use.
What can your brand Ask Rey?
Ask Rey to asses all things sustainable:
Authenticity and fit of your brand’s sustainability mission
Packaging and materials
Sustainability programs
Innovation opportunities
Other stimulus your brand wants quick feedback on
Connect with Rey for quick or robust qualitative input:
Quick polls (one-off or monthly pulse)
Single or multi-day online journaling
Virtual 1:1 interviews
The ‘Ask Rey’ panel provides valuable and actionable insight
Read on to see examples of what Sterling has asked Rey.
Rank the following everyday sustainable actions according to what you think makes the most difference.
Here’s a list of product categories that we might purchase in our everyday lives. Choose 3 from this list that you’d be totally committed to buying the most sustainable options of 100% of the time.
Pick an item in your home that you feel could be more sustainably made.. Describe what you would change about that product to make it more sustainable (i.e., material, packaging, etc.)?
What are your biggest personal hopes and fears when it comes to the issue of climate change and sustainability?
Increased awareness & action
“My biggest hopes are that humans can repair the harm we’ve already caused and work together with nature instead of so exploitatively. I hope to see more things, like community gardens, upcycling and repair shops, food forests, regenerative agriculture, zero waste homes and institutions, divestment from fossil fuels, and investment in renewable energy.”
Policy changes at the governmental level
“My biggest hope is for enough major players (i.e., governments, industries, etc.), who influence the larger social and economic structures, to make sufficient changes to impact climate change and sustainability.”
Technological advancements
“I am hoping that technological innovation in the energy and waste sectors will help mitigate the fallout of climate change, but I fear that political will doesn’t exist to nudge consumers and impose costs on climate externalities to promote sustainable behavior.”
Drastic climate change & natural disasters cause eco-anxiety
“I fear that weather will become so extreme that people will no longer feel safe living in certain areas in fear of their lives and properties with tornadoes, hurricanes, fires, floods, etc. – I think we have actually already approached this time.”
Too little, too late
“Really though, if the majority of Earth’s inhabitants don’t make major lifestyle changes now we and our planet are quickly running out the clock. I kind of feel like climate change has reached the point of no return and that makes me so sad for the future generations.”
Impact on future generations
“Change can affect jobs, food, people’s health and nutrition. With decreased water supply and food supply because of the climate we will not be able to farm and do all the necessary things for our survival or our future generations to come.”
Why Ask Rey?
Pre-recruited panel with quick turnaround time for research.
Real-time information on changing sustainability perspectives.
Carefully vetted and screened participants, who provide quality feedback and insights.
Ability to follow up and engage regularly with additional questions or probes.