The Sustainability Muse
Rey’s Behaviors
Sustainability isn't a behavior, it's a lifestyle
For most, sustainability means carrying around a reusable water bottle or remembering to separate out recyclables. For Rey, that’s not enough — sustainability permeates every part of their life.
Keep reading to learn more about Rey’s sustainable past, present, and future, and discover how your brand can engage and support Rey in this lifelong journey.
“I believe in creating a world that I constantly want to live in.”
Rey’s values
Rey lives with compassion, honor, and drive — values that naturally cultivate sustainable habits through respect for the earth and an innate tendency towards stewardship.
Rey has an accute sympathy and concern for the plight of people and places, and is almost instinctually motivated to alleviate that suffering.
How Rey’s compassion shows up:
They are very active in local community service
They are very open-minded and accepting of all
They are deeply concerned about social justice and equity -They see sustainability as an ethical as well as environmental issue recognizing how it effects the socially disadvantaged more
They are deeply touched by evidence of harming the environment (natural resources, wildlife, communities)
How Rey’s honor shows up:
They deeply respect others and the world we live in
They hold themselves to high standards of conduct
They believe in Karma (that good things come to those that do good)
They feel a commitment to do right for the generations to come (not just their family, but the whole of humanity)
Rey has a strong moral compass and lives by the creed “do what’s right because it’s the right thing to do.”
How Rey’s drive shows up:
They are big planners (for the long and short-term)
They are very self-sufficient and creative, always looking for ways to be more sustainable
They are naturally curious and big researchers, putting in the time to learn more about sustainable living
They actively seek out roles, either professional or social, where they can make an impact
Rey has an inner drive that motivates them to learn, grow, and become the best version of themselves; they don’t wait for things to happen to them, they make them happen for them.
How can your brand engage with Rey based on their values?
Rey is reimagining the three R's of sustainability
To reduce, reuse, and recycle is no longer enough. They are ushering in a new age of Respect, Research, Reduction, and Regeneration.
Rey has a deep connection with the community and the environment around them. They respect all things in this life cycle they are a part of, and continue to grow that respect by spending more time in nature and cultivating their communities.
Spend time outdoors: hiking, gardening, scuba diving, biking, camping
Cultivate community: volunteering in their community garden, attending block parties, supporting local businesses, going to the farmer’s market, working for non-profits, caring for their family, educating the community, being involved in activism
Rey makes highly informed choices about the brands, products, and services they choose to have in their orbit. Research is a big part of their decision-making process.
Friends and family: Rey is always looking for sustainability inspiration, and isn’t afraid to share and receive tips
Social media: Rey follows sustainability influencers and loves to learn about every little way to contribute to a more sustainable future
Online resources: Rey looks to resouces, like EWG (Environmental Working Group) and Think Dirty, to vet products and sustainability certifications
Product packaging: Rey actively pays attention to packaging that communicates a sustainable story, while shopping
Rey’s first sustainable instinct is to reduce use and waste as much as possible. This applies to everything from everyday plastic and toxic ingredients to energy, water, and carbon footprint.
Energy use: by turning off electricity during peak hours; by installing solar panels; by using natural resources more efficiently (e.g., natural light instead of electricity); by air-drying
Water consumption: by using rain barrels to collect rain; by installing a gray water system to reuse water; by planting drought-resistant lawns; by using a timer in the shower
Plastic use: by taking foil to restaurants to take leftovers home; by making their own products at home instead of purchasing; by choosing reusable or durable products
Rey doesn’t stop at reduction, and aims to bring new life to materials around them that might otherwise be thrown into the waste stream.
Materials: by upcycling old fabrics and creating new clothing; by reclaiming wood and scraps of glass to create lighting fixtures; by crocheting dish sponges out of recycled plastic yarn
Food: by composting to make fertilizer for their garden; by creating body scrubs out of old coffee grounds; by creating rouge with beet scraps; by harvesting seeds to plant next season; by using food scraps to create natural dyes
Is your brand taking every opportunity to engage with Rey along their sustainable journey?
Muses help build brands
Sterling’s Muse methodology uses robust qualitative research to identify aspirational consumers within a target audience. Aggregating insights from various research methodologies, we use each individual’s values, motivations, behaviors, needs and lifestyles to create a composite consumer portrait.
A Muse inspires organizations to make informed choices that build emotional and behavioral loyalty with powerful human storytelling.
The Sustainability Muse series