The Sustainability Muse
Rey’s Dreams
When it comes to the future, there are two sides to Rey’s mindset
On one hand, Rey is frustrated by companies who ignore and exacerbate the challenge of climate change. On the other hand, Rey has real hopes and dreams for a future with sustainable living at the core.
Read on to learn more about Rey’s dream home and grocery store, as well as an important message from Rey to all brands.
Rey’s dream home
Rey has a clear vision for a future sustainable home. It’s self-sustaining; makes use of natural elements (i.e., sunlight, wind, rain) to reduce water and energy use; grows localized and in-season plants and foods; and exists in a community of like-minded neighbors. Hear more from the real faces of Rey about their dream home below.
“All houses will collect rainwater, have a filtration system to clean it, then turn it into a usable resource.”
Does your brand belong in Rey’s dream home?
Rey’s dream grocery store
Rey’s North Star is zero waste. They are still consumers, like everyone else; but their ultimate hope is that when they go to the grocery store, they can bring reuseable containers instead of purchasing endless individually packaged products. Hear more from the real faces of Rey about their dream grocery store experience below.
“All packaging is recyclable — whether you’re bringing it back to stores and they’re refilling it, or whether they’re crushing it and remaking it into something new. No more single-use plastic BS.”
How close is your brand to helping Rey achieve zero waste? Or what will it take for your brand to get there?
Rey’s message to brands
“If companies put some thought into it, they could find a way to make the same or more profits, while simultaneously being better — to you and your family, to communities around the world, and to our planet.”
Rey believes that you can still be a profitable company, while doing the right thing for our future generations. Listen to this important message that Rey has for all brands below.
Muses help build brands
Sterling’s Muse methodology uses robust qualitative research to identify aspirational consumers within a target audience. Aggregating insights from various research methodologies, we use each individual’s values, motivations, behaviors, needs and lifestyles to create a composite consumer portrait.
A Muse inspires organizations to make informed choices that build emotional and behavioral loyalty with powerful human storytelling.
The Sustainability Muse series